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QB Testing

New Dawn Psychiatric Care is offering QB Testing! Qb Testing is a market-leading, objective ADHD test which is FDA-cleared, and CE-marked. The standardized test is backed by years of research and is to be used alongside other clinical measures and cognitive tests. It can measure a patient’s response to treatment with later re-tests. Fear of gender bias? No problem. The QB Test is a computer-based test that lasts between 15-20 minutes, measuring the three core symptoms of ADHD: activity, attention, and impulsivity. Data from the test is compared to a normative control group of the same sex and age who do not have ADHD. Results are instantly generated and presented in a report.

QB Testing Q&A

What is QB Testing?

QB Testing is a ground breaking technology that has recently emerged and redefines how you get diagnosed for ADHD.  It helps to greatly increase the accuracy of your diagnosis resulting in a far lower chance of being over, or under diagnosed.

What are the benefits of taking a QB Test?

Integrating our ADHD test into your care pathway makes it more efficient and streamlined without compromising diagnostic accuracy. Taking the QB Test allows the providers to offer diagnostic evaluations to help you learn more about your ADHD diagnosis.

According to the AQUA study:

  • 94% of clinicians reported a greater understanding of patients’ symptoms
  • 20% of clinical workforce time freed
  • 85% of families said the test is really helpful
  • 153 days’ time reduction from assessments to diagnosis

How is a QbTest performed?

The test is performed in front of a computer screen. The test equipment consists of an infrared camera, a
head-band with a reflective marker attached to it and a response button. During the test a number of symbols
are shown on the computer screen. The task is to push the responder button when a certain symbol appears
on the screen.

How do I schedule a QB Test?

Scheduling a QB Test with us is as easy as One, Two, Three.

  1. Fill out our intake form.
  2. Call our front desk at (425) 429-3077.
  3. Get scheduled for an appointment!
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